<aside> ℹ️ Skip to section B.1) if you have stayed in Sweden before and you are ready to live here for a long period of time.


A.1) Before moving to Sweden


Residence Permit

A.2) Must-have in Sweden

Personal Number

Swedish ID-Kort (ID card)


Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)


Mobile & Internet

Must-have Apps (for newcomers)

A.3) Living in Sweden

Driving License

Moving Around

Health Care

B.1) First days at Chalmers

B.2) You are a Chalmers employee

Employees Benefits

Primula: Personnel System

Sickness leave – sjukpenning




Parental Leave

Reimbursement for Medicines

Totara: Courses for professional development

IA-systemet: Reporting incidents or hazards

B.3) You are also a student!

Student Union

→ Join one of the clubs of the Union!

Mecenat App

Must-have Apps (at Chalmers)


Chalmers Library



C.1) Tips for everyone

Important people for your PhD

Guide for CDA computers

Individual Study Plan

Getting Teaching Hours

Getting Credits (ECTS)

Generic and Transferable Skills (GTS)

Publishing Papers

Licentiate Thesis

PhD Thesis (work in progress)

Ordering Hardware

Managing research data


C.2) Tips from your department

TME PhD Council

MC2 PhD Council

CSE PhD Council

K&Bio PhD Council

Physics PhD Council

SEE PhD Council

ACE PhD Council

E2 PhD Council

Mathematical Sciences PhD Council

IMS PhD Council

M2 PhD Council

CLS PhD Council

C.3) Support for PhD students

Occupational Health Service (Pe3)

Doktorandombudet (DOMB)

Unemployment Insurance

Trade Union (SACO)

Research Misconduct Suspicion

Gender Equality (Dr. Genie)


A short video made by DS on PhD life and some tips that are essential

A short video made by DS on PhD life and some tips that are essential

Want to know more about Sweden?

Swedish Authorities

Swedish Customs and Culture

Taxes in Sweden

Some Swedish Vocabulary

Learning Swedish

<aside> 💡 The information found on this page is collected by the Doctoral Students Guild of the Chalmers Student Union (DS). Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you think something is wrong or is missing.


DS Webpage

DS Instagram Page

DS Facebook Page