At Chalmers, all the students are members of the student union which is run by its members ensuring the best interest of students.

Here is the list of all the benefits you get from it!

Becoming a member

Send an email to [email protected] saying that you are a new PhD student who wants to join the union. Also include the following information:

They will reach out to you for information on how to pay and how to collect your member card.

Note: do not change the address if the payment is made through the webpage "Medlemsportalen". That will risk adding additional, unnecessary delivery time on your card.

You can expect a delay of 3 weeks starting, from the payment, before the card is ready to pickup.

Renewing your membership

You need to pay the membership fee every semester.

You can see your paid and unpaid fees here:

Information desk

For opening hours, visit:


[email protected]

031-772 39 06

In the corridor between J.A. Pripps pub and Kårrestaurangen.,+412+58+Göteborg/@57.6890519,11.9723203,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x464ff30c9a47d75b:0xe144ac0fa67bd554!8m2!3d57.6890519!4d11.974509


[email protected]

031-772 39 29

Located next to Kokboken,11.9368768,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xd0bd196211bcfbeb?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilktH26qrvAhXStYsKHQRRBVYQ_BIwDHoECBkQBQ

Detailed information about the Chalmers student union can be found here: