<aside> 💡 You can only proceed after you get the Personal Number
Sweden has some great social benefits, one of the best in the world. You become part of the Swedish welfare system by registering with the social insurance agency (Försäkringskassan). For more information of the Social welfare system:
About the Swedish welfare system - The Newbie Guide to Sweden
The common social benefits you can claim from the social insurance agency are:
Parental leave – föräldrapenning
Housing allowance – bostadsbidrag
More information about Försäkringskassan is found here:
Use Bank-ID to connect to “My page”: https://www.forsakringskassan.se/privatperson/logga-in-pa-mina-sidor#/?goto=%2Fprivatperson%2Fmina-sidor
<aside> 💡 You can order a EHIC card, either by opting in during your application or ordering later.
EHIC card gives you opportunity to access healthcare is EU/EAA country, Switzerland and UK.
For more information about EHIC Card: